Friday, June 6, 2014

Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays, Nana Vascancellos

Side 1 is a 20 minute through orchestrated piece titles "As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls," which I guess is a play on words/cities/popular sayings.

I remember listening to a podcast where Pat described little details about the piece. Some trivia: Pat wanted Nana to play drum set for a section of the title piece. Nana refused, saying something along the lines of "I don't play drum set..." Well, Pat tried recording a basic drum beat, and it sounded terrible. Nana said, well I can do something better than that. So there is a climax in the song, and we hear snare drum backbeats on 2 and 4 thanks to Nana.

Also, the only vocals are a mysterious voice saying random numbers. There is a lot of speculation about the meaning, but the ECM engineer (Manfred or Jan Erik) had time cues recorded for certain entrances. The time cues were accidentally left on, and Pat liked it and kept them in.

More good thoughts about this record can be found on the ECM review of As Falls Wichita...

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