Thursday, December 12, 2013

CSNY - 4 Way Street

Weird C$NY double album. This is when they had the Mida$ touch... anything they released turned into $$. It's a double album, and the concept is the first record is all acoustic, the second is more electric. The idea is also to try not to do Deja Vu live, but to play their 4 separate solo repertoire, sometimes together, sometimes solo.
"On The Way Home" is a great Neil Young song, but it is the most painful for me to listen to, as it is very closely linked to someone in the past...
"Triad" by David Crosby is a ridiculous song about a communal relationship...
The record opens with the last 20 seconds of "Suite Judy Blue Eyes", and I think it is about the oddest way to begin a record, unless they were trying to go for a Finnegan's Wake type no beginning no ending record concept. If so, it was a very poor attempt.

This album holds a lot more promise than what it delivers:
A 13 minute version of "Southern Man" (nowhere near as powerful as Neil's version)
A 13 minute version of "Carry On"
"Cowgirl in the Sand," "Don't Let it Bring You Down," "Chicago," "Ohio..."

A good record to hear, but I don't think it lives up to what it could have been.

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